Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tea Party Caucus Warns Texas Legislators: Do NOT Raid The Rainy Day Fund!

We were alerted recently to the intentions of our law makers in the Texas State House and Senate to dig into the Rainy Day Fund (RDF).  The Tea Party Caucus Advisory Committee has now taken a bold stance and has issued a press release to the Tea Party Caucus members, describing our displeasure with their goal and where we stand on this (please see letter below).

Please read it carefully, it will be a contentious issue and one that will define who really is conservative and who will wilt when the heat rises.  We need strong men and women who will stand up and be counted.

Check out this article in the Austin American-Statesman.  It frames the issue from our press release perfectly. 

Tea Party Caucus Advisory Committee of Texas

February 23, 2011

Honorable Members of the Legislative Tea Party Caucus of Texas
State Capitol
Austin, Texas 78701

Re: State Budget

Esteemed Senators and State Representatives:

We continue to be extremely appreciative of your willingness to participate as Members of the Legislative Tea Party Caucus and to listen to the views and concerns of our committee in our role as citizen representatives of the grassroots activists and voters of Texas. Already in this 82nd biennial legislative session, you have gathered with us to discuss our legislative priorities and to provide us with an excellent overview of the State legislative process.

We write to you today to make clear our views regarding the current State budgeting process for the 2011-2013 biennium. We strongly support a budget that is balanced without the use of any portion of the State’s Rainy Day Fund and without the imposition of new taxes, new fees that are effectively increased taxes (such as increased vehicle registration fees) or other new sources of revenue (such as gambling).

We are acutely aware of the revenue position that our State faces. Despite significant reductions in administrative and agency costs and personnel, our State must make deep cuts in either or both of public education or human services. Current federal law prohibits large reductions in the latter category, so we are left with larger-than-desired cuts in public education.

At the same time, the economy in Texas, while stronger than in any other state, is not strong enough to withstand additional taxes or tax-like fees. We recognize that some of the most likely forms of tax increases or user fee increases would especially affect those in our State who are least able to bear additional costs.

We have a growing structural problem in our State.

Our public education system would, if consolidated, be the fifth largest corporate employer in the world. The number of non-teaching personnel in primary and secondary schools has increased markedly in the last 40 years. The cost curve of public higher education continues to bend upward even as we write this letter. Parents are concerned for the availability of future educational resources for their children and communities.

In the meantime, due to a myriad of factors, our costs for providing social and health services continue to outstrip almost all predictions and will soon be - by far - the largest use of general revenues from our State budget. We are on record as saying we desire to protect those for whom the State government must be the last or only provider, but we must recognize that at some point we may not be able to fund these services unless we explore private and non-profit alternatives that replace or supplement government programs.

The use of any portion of the Rainy Day Fund will only serve to mask budgetary problems that have been long in the making. The next biennium promises higher costs at almost every turn, with or without the new mandates of the federal healthcare legislation. Our public education system, which has reserves of its own to help it weather cuts in this biennium, will surely need more funding in 2013-2015. If we as a State bury our heads in the sand in this biennium, what will we face next time when no or few Rainy Day Funds may be available?

Texans deserve a legislature that will deal head-on with the significant budgetary choices that we must make. Texans have always been willing and able to shoulder the load together, and we must do so now. Allow Texans to know of the hard choices that must be made and give us the transparency to view the alternatives. We believe that you will find support across party lines once the facts are made clear and the choices are made to work in the best long-term interest of the people of this State.

What we ignore today will not be gone tomorrow. Let us work together to solve our structural problems and adopt a budget that will give us the clarity and the courage to do it right.

Tea Party Caucus Advisory Committee of Texas

Konni Burton, NE Tarrant Tea Party
Sharon Hall, San Antonio Tea Party
Tony Corsaut, Wichita Falls Tea Party Patriots
Greg Holloway, Austin Tea Party Patriots
Felicia Cravens, Houston Tea Party Society
Robin Lennon, Kingwood TEA Party
JoAnn Fleming, Grassroots America – We the People
Chuck Molyneaux, Allen Area Patriots
Robert Gonzalez, Clear Lake Tea Party
Katrina Pierson, Garland Tea Party
Glen Hagenbach, South Texas Tea Party
Julie Turner, Texas Tea Party PAC
Leslie Haight, Fredericksburg Tea Party

*Tea party names used for identification purposes only – no group endorsement implied

Friday, February 25, 2011

Guest Editorial: The Tea Party Needs To Stay Away From Union Confrontations

*We invite guest blogs from our membership.  Publication on the CLTP website or blog does not indicate an endorsement of the opinion, but is presented for purposes of dialogue and debate.

As a Tea Party member, I'd like to recommend that Tea Party people across the country stay away from these union protests.

Confrontation is exactly what these union people want, and having Tea Party people show up at these rallies is not going to help anything.

We can show our support for these governors and legislators by e-mail. contributions, Facebook and most importantly the voting booth, but please do not give these mental midgets the satisfaction of showing up to either protest their rallies or support the State governments.

I think we all know nothing good can come from a confrontation with these people and the mainstream media would take any opportunity to try and blame the Tea Party for any violence that occurred or try and show Tea Party people as the instigators.

These unions are doing a fine job all by themselves showing America just what they stand for and their greed and unwillingness to compromise in hard times. They are showing everyone their contempt for the American taxpayer, and their "entitlement" attitude - that for some reason we owe them regardless of the state of our economy.

Hopefully other states that do not have right to work laws will enact those, and hopefully other states will take the hard line stance of Ohio where they are basically going to abolish public sector unions if the vote passes. The time has come to take our Country back - we made a good start in November and we must continue the fight through 2012 and 2014.

Keith Bryant
Houston, Texas

Thursday, February 24, 2011

May 14, 2011: Local Elections (WE NEED CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATES!)

The Clear Lake Tea Party is actively looking for concerned citizens to support for local offices ranging from school boards to city councils.  Please see the list below that was published in the Houston Chronicle and thoughtfully consider meeting with us.

Myriad of Bay Area elections planned

Voters will have plenty of issues to decipher and decisions to make in May 14 elections for some regular and special elections in Galveston County and the Bay Area.

Clear Creek ISD

The Clear Creek Independent School District will hold a regular election to fill the District 2 seat held by Win Weber and the District 3 position held by Ken Baliker.

A special election will fill the unexpired term of District 4 Trustee Page Rander.

To apply for a position on the ballot, pick up an application and information packet at the CCISD Education Support Center, 2425 E. Main St. in League City from Feb. 14 to March 14.

Applications must be received by 5 p.m. March 14.

For more information, contact Melinda Perales at 281-284-0181 or via e-mail:

City of La Marque

A recall election is being considered to remove La Marque Mayor Geraldine Sam from office after the city clerk certified enough signatures from residents seeking the mayor's recall. It would mark the fourth recall election in six months for seats of the La Marque council.

The election in May will coincide with a special election to fill the seats held by Larry Mann and Deanie Barrett, who lost their seats in a recall election last November.

The 2010 recall effort also targeted Councilwoman Connie Trube, who survived by a narrow vote and has since refused to attend most council meetings to oppose the mayor's attempts to fire City Manager Eric Gage. Sam recently sat out a council recent meeting where trustees were to decide whether to hold a recall election.

College of the Mainland

College of the Mainland will hold an election to fill Trustee positions held by Annette Jenkins and Don Criss.

COM trustees also may call for an $86 million bond proposition to fund a number of construction and renovation projects that include building a health sciences center ($7.85 million), making an addition to the work force training center ($5 million) and renovating the student center ($4.2 million).

City elections

These entities in also are planning city council elections on May 14:

• Bayou Vista
• Nassau Bay
• Webster
• Seabrook
• Clear Lake Shores
• Dickinson
• Galveston
• Hitchcock
• Jamaica Beach
• Kemah
• League City
• Santa Fe
• Tiki Island

The following area school district also are considering May 14 elections:

• Dickinson ISD
• Hitchcock ISD
• La Marque ISD
• Santa Fe ISD

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The Clear Lake Tea Party stands with Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin.  Governor Walker and conservatives in Wisconsin are boldly standing their ground in trying to balance their budget.  This Facebook page has become an online support site for Governor Walker.  Sign on and stand with him and Wisconsin.

You can also visit this website to find out how SEIU is organizing these protests all across America, beginning in Wisconsin.

Monday, February 21, 2011

CLTP Watchdog Report - February 21, 2011

Hello CLTP Watchdogs!  You guys are starting to get busy out there.  More and more Watchdogs are sending in their reports.  What is amazing is how the watch dogs are focusing in on the same subjects.  Keep up the good work. 

The good news is that the Texas House Select Committee on State Sovereignty is getting an early slate of issues.  It is important that the watchdogs follow what is going on in this committee.  The issues being dealt with here are vital to our Texas State rights and are the front line in the battle against an ever oppressive Federal Government.

The CLTP would like you to know that you are the model watchdog program that is being promoted about the State.  The CLTP has given your training materials to many different Tea Parties and will be discussing the CLTP Watchdog training up in Dallas on the 25th at a Grassroots Boot Camp (American Majority).  We are also providing a quick look on the March 15 with the Clear Lake Area Republicans (CLAR).  To date we have trained 65 CLTP Watchdogs with representation from several different tea party groups.  Thanks for making this citizens' effort work.  Our legislators will know that the “Eyes of Texas are Upon Them!”

Here is a brief summary of CLTP Watchdog activity up to February 21, 2011.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Press Release: Legislative Tea Party Caucus Makes Great Strides In Short Time

From the office of Senator Dan Patrick

Orientation draws over 300 TEA Party organizers to Austin

AUSTIN – The TEA Party Caucus has been very active since coming together just a few weeks ago. The caucus, third largest in the legislature with 57 members, held an orientation for TEA Party groups from all across Texas. Over 300 TEA Party organizers, representing hundreds of thousands of voters, came to Austin last Saturday to participate in a nearly four hour overview covering the legislative process, an outline of the budget, healthcare, redistricting, and a question and answer session with members of the caucus. “The idea was to have a first ever citizens’ orientation similar to what newly elected legislators receive before session," explained caucus vice-chair Rep. Phil King.

"From the beginning, one of the goals of our caucus was to help citizens become more empowered by learning the legislative process," stated caucus founder Senator Dan Patrick. "The more knowledge the people have about how government works, the better government will be."

"Saturday's orientation was a great opportunity for those of us around the state to learn more about the legislative process from our elected officials,” stated Leslie Haight, TEA Party Caucus Advisory Committee. “The information regarding the budgeting challenges we face this session was especially eye-opening.” Dean Wright, TEA Party organizer agreed, "This enlightening presentation provided valuable insight to the legislative process that can be used by the grassroots attendees to impact legislation much more effectively."

In addition to the orientation, over the past month the caucus has met with many TEA Party organizers from around the state. The purpose was to listen to what they believe are the major issues they want the legislature to address this session. Topping the list was balancing the budget without raising taxes. "The TEA Party Caucus is a great way to stay in touch and communicate on real issues. Fiscal responsibility can be reached and accomplished with such an effective caucus," said caucus board member Rep. Todd Hunter.

Last week the caucus met to discuss the issues presented to them by the TEA Party groups. The caucus has set an agenda for the session that reflects their support for the issues supported by the TEA Party. With one exception, the agenda does not support specific legislation, but broad principles. With many bills filed on the same issues supported by the TEA Party, the caucus decided it was too soon to get behind specific legislation. "The committees need to hear testimony and members need to study and discuss the various bills that have been filed," said caucus board member Rep. Allen Fletcher. "While the list of issues the caucus will support focuses on the major ones presented to us, they are by no means the only issues presented to us," clarified caucus board member Rep. Dan Flynn.

Texas Legislative TEA Party Caucus Statement of Principle

It is the purpose and intent of the members of the Texas Legislative TEA Party Caucus to promote and secure:

•     a balanced budget without increased taxation;
•     a secure Texas border and an end to illegal immigration;
•     the reassertion of the 10th Amendment and repeal of all federal laws in contradiction thereof;
•     election integrity, including passage of voter identification legislation;
•     advancement of Texans' 2nd Amendment rights.

"These issues were the top five issues presented to us," remarked caucus vice-chair Rep. Beverly Woolley. The one specific bill the caucus did agree to support was House Joint Resolution 50, by Rep Creighton, and the companion legislation, Senate Joint Resolution 14, by Senator Patrick. These bills affirm the sovereign rights of Texas under the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Rep. Creighton passed this measure with almost unanimous support in the House in 2009. So far, all 19 Republicans have co-authored SJT 14 in the Senate.

The Senate has already passed a photo voter I.D. bill. The House is expected to take up the legislation in the very near future. "We are off to a quick start on the issues brought to us by the TEA Party," noted Senator Patrick. "But, we are just beginning."

Op-Ed By Congressman Pete Olson: The Overreach Of The EPA In Texas

Texas as well as the rest of our nation is under assault from crushing regulations that hinder economic growth, destroy jobs, and increase energy costs for all Americans. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a new mandate for federal control of greenhouse gas emissions. The rules will apply to new motor vehicles, as well as other sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) including power generating plants, manufacturing facilities, and petrochemical refineries.

The State of Texas rightfully challenged these overreaching rules, calling into question the process under which EPA has opted to enforce this authority.  In order to assert control over Texas’ permitting process, in 2009 the EPA decided that they erred way back in 1992 in approving the State’s plan to issue emission permits. Why?  Because EPA said the 1992 plan didn’t provide for regulation of greenhouse gasses.  But hold it – there was no requirement in 1992, nor any serious thought given to regulate these gasses.  Simply put, the plan was never intended to regulate GHG’s. But that didn’t stop the Obama Administration from making its own rules and interpretation of history.

Texas has the most energy-intensive industrial sector in the nation and will be especially hard-hit by the EPA’s actions. Houston is home to hundreds of energy companies that employ thousands of people. As a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, I will do all I can to support our state’s fight against the heavy handedness of the EPA.

The EPA’s bureaucratic permitting process will result in construction delays for new projects. The increased costs for power plants and refineries to comply will result in companies moving their operations overseas to a less-regulated and lower cost environment. With unemployment in Texas still above 8%, the last thing we need is more federal intrusion that further hinders job growth. Our top priority should be to reduce the cost of doing business so companies can expand their operations and put Americans back to work.

The EPA regulations will also increase the cost of producing energy. When production costs rise, industry is forced to pass these costs onto the consumers.  We must ensure that businesses and industries have access to affordable and reliable energy to maintain our competitive edge in an ever-increasing global marketplace.  This requires a stable business climate free of the threat of ill-advised, federally-imposed carbon dioxide emissions regulations.

I intend to remind the Obama Administration that the constitution gives the authority to Congress - not unelected bureaucrats - to determine whether and if greenhouse gases should be regulated.

Furthermore, Texas has improved its air quality, while both seeing a significant population increase and providing a large portion of energy to the US – without a harmful government mandate. The EPA must not be allowed to overstep its authority and enact a misguided policy which will slow American economic growth, eliminate American jobs, and increase the cost of energy. I will continue to oppose harmful government regulations that are bad for Houston, bad for Texas, and bad for the United States.

Congressman Pete Olson
22nd District, Texas
Phone: 281-494-2690
Cell: 281-605-9290
Fax: 281-494-2649

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Tea Party Mission

By Larry Reams

Obamacare has been ruled unconstitutional by two federal courts.  The whole world knows this issue will ultimately be decided by the US Supreme Court.  There are two ways to get the issue to the USSC.  The normal path is through appeal up through the court system.  Best estimate is 2-3 years before the USSC decides the case.  This is the method Obama and Holder prefer.  Why?  It takes longer and more of the provisions of Obamacare can be implemented before the case is heard.  The hope is we will grow to accept Obamacare the longer it takes in this process - more people will already be dependent on it, and the USSC will thus be influenced to not rule against it.  The longer it takes, the better for Obama, Holder and their fellow travelers.

The other route is to "fast track" it.  Perfectly legal and has been done before with such critical and contentious issues.  The states want the fast track.  Why? It saves them millions of dollars by not having to set up all the infrastructure, etc. to implement Obamacare only to ultimately have it ruled unconstitutional.  They'd also save money by not having to fight all the appeals.  Wasted millions the collective states don't have.  The faster the decision is rendered, the better for the states.  Fast track could take under six months.  And, an unconstitutional ruling would be a severe blow to Obama's re-election.

It's the Feds vs the States.  We The People vs Big, Intrusive  Government.  Which side of the equation is the Tea Party on?  The states and the people!  I wonder what would happen if Tea Parties around the country jumped on this bandwagon and demanded that Holder fast track this case to the US Supreme Court?  We'd get rid of Obamacare faster, the states would save millions of taxpayer dollars and less headaches all around.  And Obama would probably be a one term president.  Food for thought.

Monday, February 14, 2011

CLTP Watchdog Report - February

Thanks to the first Clear Lake Tea Party Watchdogs! You have been busy since our first training. Many of you have set up your Texas Legislature Online (TLO) accounts and are ready for the Texas House to get busy. Many have been looking for bills filed in the House and have been following the priority Senate Legislation set by Governor Perry.

The CLTP would also like to let you know that you are the first operational Tea Party watchdogs in the State. You are the first Tea Party membership to take responsibility into your own hands to hold our elected officials accountable. The CLTP watchdog training is being adopted by many Tea Parties across the state and has even been posted on a North Texas Tea Party website. Be proud that your
home Tea Party is helping make a difference within the Texas Tea Party Movement!

A special note of thanks is given to CLTP Watchdog Bert Young. Bert has filed many strong reports and has moved from a CLTP Watchdog to a CLTP “Junkyard” Dog! Keep’ em coming Bert!

The 82nd legislative session is off to a slow start due to TX House committee assignments only being announced on February 9th. The Senate has been better in addressing Governor Perry’s legislative priorities. Please click here to download a PDF summary of CLTP Watchdog activity.  This PDF can also be downloaded from the front page of our website.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rep. Larry Taylor is NOT the "darling" of the Clear Lake Tea Party!

I just read the blog posted by Mr. Coby at 6:43 am and although I may agree or disagree with the comments, I strongly disagree with and resent his statement that Larry Taylor is the "DARLING" of the Clear Lake Tea Party.  That statement is very untrue. It is an out right fabrication and as Chairman of the CLTP, we expect a retraction and an apology.  The CLTP protested twice this past year outside Mr. Taylor's office and met with him and his office staff to express our displeasure with his support of Mr. Joe Straus, Texas Speaker of the House.   The CLTP is actively seeking a strong conservative candidate to oppose Mr Taylor in his next run for office. 

-John Bentley, Chairman of CLTP

Thursday, February 3, 2011

When Congress, the President, and the Courts Usurp the Constitution...

In order to determine whether or not Congress, the Executive, and the Courts have "misconstrued" their duty and are exercising powers not warranted by the Constitution -- it is every citizen's DUTY to read both the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence regularly.  It is only by being informed regarding the constraints on those offices that the PEOPLE can properly exercise their obligation to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC.

Our obligation to future generations mandates that each of us become informed and actively remove any elected official that does not abide by the highest law of the land -- and in the process correct the inroads that have been made on our freedoms by past excesses.  The duty was clearly spelled out by James Madison in the quote, below.

"What is to be the consequence, in case the Congress shall misconstrue this part [the necessary and proper clause] of the Constitution and  exercise powers not warranted by its true meaning, I answer the same as if they should misconstrue or enlarge any other power vested in them...the success of the usurpation will depend on the executive and judiciary departments, which are to expound and give effect to the legislative acts; and in a last resort a remedy must be obtained from the people, who can by the elections of more faithful representatives, annul the acts of the usurpers."

 --James Madison, Federalist No. 44