Friday, March 25, 2011

Guest Editorial: The Plot to Destroy the US Military

By Larry Reams

It has been universally agreed that an outside military force can't defeat the US.  We're the only nation still considered to be a superpower.  So, if you want to destroy us, you must do it from within; slowly chip away at our various institutions until they are meaningless and can no longer contribute to our claim of superpower, or world's largest economy, or greatest nation ever devised by mankind, "shining city on a hill," a Constitutional Republic, etc. etc.

The leftist progressive movement, formerly also known as Marxists, communists, socialists, liberals and perhaps a few more "ists" and "isms," have been working at it for close to 100 years.  They have destroyed, or severely weakened most of our traditional institutions--our Constitution and Founding Documents, education, traditional media, unions, government (particularly federal), the family unit, marriage, the free enterprise system, corporations, the churches, and, rewritten history so current and future generations won't know the truth.   Recently they've turned their attention to our Armed Forces.

Poll after poll shows our military to be THE most respected institution in the country.  Well, not for long.  With the promotion of "political generals" instead of war hawks, the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell," Chaplains who can't pray in Jesus Name, rules of engagement that give the enemy an advantage over us, national leadership that hasn't spend one day in the service yet purport to know how to "lead," a fear  of exposing those who show signs of being terrorists yet giving prison sentences to those who kill the enemy in self defense, putting females in combat roles, dictating promotions by minority status instead of the merit system, an inability to clearly define the mission then suffering from "mission creep," reducing the defense budget so as to increase some social welfare program; and on and on it goes.  Our national leadership is even reluctant to use the words "terrorist" or "war."  Political correctness has run amuck.  It won't be long until we'll be compared to the French Army in capability and will to win.  All because the Leftists hate all things military and our elected officials haven't the balls to do the right thing to defend the nation--a Constitutional obligation.

Marx and Engles, Cloward and Piven, Saul Alinsky, Richard Trumka and Andy Stern, Code Pink and now carry more sway that Washington, Madison, Adams, Franklin and Jefferson et. al, or Jesus.  This has all the signs of not turning out well.  Be sure to call me when the Second Civil War starts.  I don't want to miss doing my part.

Read Daniel Greenfield's article.  It's alarming.

Larry Reams
Houston, TX

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