Monday, May 30, 2011

Official Summons for Grand Jury Duty

The 82nd Texas Legislative session is now over, and The Citizens Lobbyist Network is extremely proud and thankful to all those that worked tirelessly and relentlessly to further the conservative ideals even when they thought that no one was looking.  That’s what character is all about.

But on the flip side:  It’s tragic that the vast majority of our legislators didn’t think that any one was looking.  They were wrong, dead wrong.  Although most legislators were oblivious of the fact, there were hundreds if not thousands of eyes watching their every move this session.  Meticulously watching and taking notes and reporting back to their groups.  And now many are compiling the statistics of each and every politician, on every committee, and on every vote.  You simply cannot ‘not take a position’, no matter how inconspicuous you try to be.  Even inaction is action and has been duly noted.

This kind of scrutiny has never been accomplished before in the history of our great State.  The 21st century technology will change a politician’s world forever, just like the portable camcorder has changed a few Police Officer’s lives forever.  And that is a good thing.  Those with character will not need to do anything differently.  Those without will identified and spotlighted in short order and discarded like the rodents they are.  My apologies to mice everywhere.

I’ve been ‘citizen lobbying’ in Austin since the 74th legislature in ‘95, and I would have bet money that we’d see a difference this year.  I never considered that any D or R would ignore the messages shouted by the 2010 elections.  That would defy logic and I really didn’t suspect that they could actually believe that we (the very Citizens they took an oath to protect and serve) were either insincere or stupid.  We are neither.

I had told everyone (based on my experience) that Austin was not D.C.  But I now stand corrected.  We wanted to trust them all, after all they weren’t from California or New York, they are fellow Texans.  And after all Texans take care of Texans, don’t they?

In retrospect, and with a few refreshing exceptions, I saw a whole lot of business as usual and an inordinate amount of lip service.  Well, they are proving to be the ones with sub-average I.Q.s if they think life will ever go back to business as usual.  Sooner or later they will realize that we are simply not going back to sleep again.  If the mule kicks you once….. you know that story.

Now, we need to act like the Detectives we are.  We have some time to compile cases (all the clues and evidence are there) to present to the voters before the PRIMARY elections next May.  Those lacking Character need not worry about the General election.  Our job is to make sure that they don’t make it that far. 

This is a call for representation from every conservative group in Texas to sit on a Texas Political Grand Jury which will convene very soon.  A lot of groups are compiling their individual cases now, and for maximum coverage and impact we need to bring all the evidence together in a single cohesive brief.

It’s like the CIA and FBI not comparing notes before 9-11.  We can’t repeat that mistake again.  One group will certainly have evidence that another does not.  United we Stand.

Emotional arguments can be easily dismissed, but we have all the statistics and antidotal elements to present an air tight case.  “If it looks like a RINO, and grunts like a RINO, and VOTES like a RINO, it certainly is a RINO”.   Of course, we need to give them the opportunity to submit a deposition or answer questions under cross examination.  We need to invite them to our meetings.

The accused need to realize that like a choir, we are once again a single voice singing in unison.  They, and the media, think we can be dismissed because of our diversity – that misconception must be corrected.  We then need to release the results of this Grand Jury investigation to the press and the voters of Texas.

Only then can the trial proceed in the Court of Public Opinion.  The RINO’s must to be defeated in the Primary.  The General election is too late.

Those politicians with conservative character will undoubtedly be ‘No Billed’ by the Grand Jury and deserve our heartfelt thanks and support in upcoming primary and general elections.  They are the true Champions.

Those that are indicted by the Grand Jury on charges of high crimes and misdemeanors against Texans should be severely adjudicated and true conservatives should be sought out and supported as their opposition candidates in the PRIMARY election.  This is the mandatory sentence upon conviction and a speedy trial is in order.  We will then watch them descend into obscurity.

Conservative groups, please contact Patriot Shar at and let her know that you are reporting for Jury Duty on the Texas Political Grand Jury.  Time is of the essence

Thank you,

Citizen Lobbyist Network

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