Please make calls requested by AFP below in this email ASAP and pass this on to everyone you know. We must get HB 33 passed along with SB 9 (Sanctuary Cities). It is time that we got on board with our immigration legislation. When you call also ask the legislators where our immigration legislation is? I see states like GA, AL, IN, AZ and SC taking stong stands on immigration, and where is Texas? No where to be found!
More info on HB33 below, along with contact phone numbers.
Eva B.
Dear Freedom Lovers:
We have a unique opportunity to provide more freedom for parents in determining where their children go to school as well as provide more per-pupil funding for public schools, but public schools are fighting it. Here is an example of how one school district is using our tax dollars to lobby against parental choice in education: Cy-Fair ISD official lobbies against HB 33; Texas leaders should investigate. HB 33 by Rep. Sid Miller is called the Taxpayer Savings Grant (the website is and takes only a portion of the public education funds for a student and allows the parent to use those funds for private school tuition. It is estimated to save around $2 billion for public schools.
HB 33 is in House Government Efficiency and Reform Committee. The Comptroller’s office gave it a cost the first two years, and it should be a savings – so while we continue to work on getting the fiscal note corrected, we need your help. We need communication from voters like you and your networks to your state lawmakers telling them you support the bill and telling them you want it passed. We have a strong coalition and need to show our elected officials that the grassroots want taxpayer savings and school choice.
Ask Your State Lawmakers to Support Taxpayer Savings Grants!
We need to let our state officials know that Taxpayer Savings Grants have grassroots support and are good for students, parents, teachers and taxpayers.
Please call the Lt. Governor, Governor, and Speaker of the House and ask them to support HB 33, Taxpayer Savings Grants, by Rep. Sid Miller.
Lt. Governor David Dewhurst (512) 463-0001
Governor Rick Perry (512) 463-2000
Speaker Joe Straus (512) 463-1000
Then, call your state representative and state senator and tell them you support HB 33, Taxpayer Savings Grants.
Taxpayer Savings Grants will provide a conservative solution to the budget shortfall, without tapping into the Rainy Day Fund, by providing HUGE savings to Texas over the next two years AND provide choice in education to thousands of students and parents across Texas.
Urgent: This issue will be decided within the next few days. Please call now!
Here is a list of key members. If this is your state senator or representative, please contact them immediately as they are key to getting HB 33 passed.
Senator Ogden (R - Bryan) (512) 463 -0105
Senator Deuell (R - Greenville) (512) 463 - 0102
Senator Duncan (R - Lubbock) (512) 463-0128
Senator Eltife (R - Tyler) (512) 463-0101
Senator Nelson (R - Flowermound) (512) 463 - 0112
Senator Shapiro (R - Plano) (512) 463-0108
Senator Seliger (R - Amarillo) (512) 463-0131
Rep. Pitts (R - Waxahachie) (512) 463-0516
Rep. Crownover (R - Lake Dallas) (512) 463-0582
Rep. Eissler (R - The Woodlands) (512) 463-0797
Rep. Taylor (R - League City) (512) 463 - 0729
Rep. Hancock (R - Fort Worth) (512) 463 - 0599
Rep. Frullo (R - Lubbock) (512) 463 - 0676
Rep. Cain (R - Como) (512) 463 - 0650
Rep. Linda Harper-Brown (R- Irving) (512) 463-0641
Rep. Bill Callegari (R- Houston) (512) 463-0528
You may want to call and say:
· I'm calling about Taxpayer Savings Grants that will provide a HUGE SAVINGS to Texas and expand school choice. (You may also reference it as HB 33 by Rep. Sid Miller )
· I am a constituent; I live in YOUR district.
· Please support Taxpayer Savings Grants.
Then add your reason for supporting the bill :
· I like this proposal because... (add in your reason here)
· HB 33 has a broad coalition of support including (insert your group here)
· Taxpayer Savings Grants are good for students, parents, teachers and taxpayers as they provide more educational options to parents and students across Texas.
· School district personnel who are opposing the Taxpayer Savings Grants must have little confidence in the parental satisfaction in the educational product the District is providing. All the more reason for this bill as it provides that around $5,000 of the around $8,000 we spend per pupil will go to the private school of the parent’s choice and the remaining $3,000 would remain in the school district, increasing the per pupil funding.
With your support, Taxpayer Savings Grants can effectively help the cause of freedom in Texas!
Peggy Venable
State Director
Americans for Prosperity - Texas
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