On June 9, 2011, President Obama signed his 86th Executive Order, and almost nobody noticed.
President Obama’s E.O. 13575 is designed to begin taking control over almost all aspects of the lives of 16% of the American people. Why didn’t we notice it? Weinergate. In the middle of the Anthony Weiner scandal, as the press and most of the American people were distracted, the President Obama created something called “The White House Rural Council” (WHRC).
Section One of 13575 states the following:
Section 1. Policy. Sixteen percent of the American population lives in rural counties. Strong, sustainable rural communities are essential to winning the future and ensuring American competitiveness in the years ahead. These communities supply our food, fiber, and energy, safeguard our natural resources, and are essential in the development of science and innovation. Though rural communities face numerous challenges, they also present enormous economic potential. The Federal Government has an important role to play in order to expand access to the capital necessary for economic growth, promote innovation, improve access to health care and education, and expand outdoor recreational activities on public lands.
Warning bells should have been sounding all across rural America when the phrase “sustainable rural communities” came up. As we know from researching the UN plan for Sustainable Development known as Agenda 21, these are code words for the true fundamental transformation America.
You can read the full article (includes list of Council Members) at the Blaze
Lots of links to check out within the article!
Contact Your members of Congress, also your State Legislatures and Governors as well.
Original Post:
Under "Presidential Actions" it can be found here.
It is 13575 according to the Federal Register (published June 13th):
Title 3--
The President
[[Page 34841]] Executive Order 13575 of June 9, 2011
Supporting links and information, a transcript and actions that can be taken can be found HERE.
Since there is so much info here, I'm going to post this info on our blog. In the meantime, I'm more than convinced that we need to make that Sunday event available to our membership. Agenda 21 is something that hits really close to home - in fact, it does hit our homes directly.
Excerpt from this website, also goes with this video:
5. This Executive Order gives control over our local planning and development to a Federal committee. We will no longer be able to voice our concerns, opinions, or grievances at the local level and have it matter. This Executive Order virtually eliminates local government’s ability to set policies that benefit rural areas without approval from the Feds.
6. Why an APPOINTED committee to “coordinate” this effort? Committee members will be the heads of specific agencies, offices and departments by appointment until or unless they, themselves, appoint their own Representative to the Council in their stead. This Executive Order sets up another committee to regulate all aspects of rural life. Residents and local governments will have no opportunity to redress any grievances as these appointees are not elected.
7. Why is the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) involved in the Federal government promoting economic prosperity and quality of life in rural America? The majority of agencies listed in this Executive Order are already under or are partnered with [allowing a certain amount of authority to] DHS, and Janet Napolitano will sit on the council.
8. “The Department of Agriculture shall provide funding and administrative support for the Council to the extent permitted by law and within existing appropriations”. So the funds are set aside. Right. We are broke yet we have money sitting ready for yet another expansion of the Federal government. With DHS oversight and the DHS unlimited budget - yes unlimited, I am sure the Feds have plenty of money to move this agenda right into rural America. (The Department of Homeland Security has no oversight as they directly report to Joe Lieberman who has already received kickbacks from helping DHS in the form of DHS agency regulation in order to bypass congress with some of the bills he has sponsored/proposed. Lieberman is then supposed to report to the President, and another perk is that DHS can demand more funds from Congress as part of their written budget through fiscal year 2012 - not ask – but demand) Remember – no matter what, the taxpayer will foot the bill for this expansion of government.
9. “The Council shall coordinate its policy development through the Domestic Policy Council and the National Economic Council”. WHY do we need yet another council to cover a specific 16% of the country? Because Rural America still has some degree of control over resources and we are resistant to globalization. This Executive Order allows the federal government to implement Agenda 21 right in the heart of America’s food basket. This ultimately could bring the end to rural life as we know it. By asking for the Agricultural departments to participate, they will mitigate resistance. Yes, control the food and you control the population. Think about this and research how well it worked out for California.
(http://www.newsweek.com/2009/08/23/dying-on-the-vine.html )
10. This Executive Order will coordinate Federal efforts directed toward the growth and development of geographic regions that encompass both urban and rural areas; and “identify and facilitate rural economic opportunities associated with energy development, outdoor recreation, and other conservation related activities”. Geographic regions – i.e. Target Areas. Just like FEMA or the EPA (both DHS controlled), where states completely have been regionalized. This Executive Order requires that the appointed Council shall set up regions thereby removing the barriers to ICLEI’s town-by-town focus and stream lining the effort to implement Agenda 21.
(http://ppjg.wordpress.com/2010/10/25/regionalism-death-of-the-american-system-of-governmen t/ ),
11. “This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations”. Remember there are no laws that restrict the Department of Homeland Security – thus, unlimited power over Rural America.
So, under pretenses that are false (based on past performance), the Federal Government is attacking the United States using Agenda 21, ICLEI tactics but it is much more direct this time. The actions are simple and the results - measured but disastrous.
Ask yourself how the Federal Government’s agenda gets into our schools – into the thoughts of our children? The States offer grants or loans to schools. The State then promotes to or seeks out interested School Districts to apply. Every dollar has federal strings attached. The very same way, this Executive Order will ensure rural America’s compliance and put our food supply in absolute danger through the Rural Council.
The government has the Rural Council to help "stimulate" the rural economy. The Feds just want to help, right? Their initial target audience will be agricultural organizations, Why? Say you are a farmer and a Federal Government representative knocks on your door asking you to apply for a loan or grant - just to help you out - would you think they would get very far? But if the [trusted cattle or growers' association, your neighbor] promoted it then you might be a lot more interested and believe everything to be on the up and up, right?
There is no doubt at all that Rural America in general is hurting right now; farmers are stretched and some have already had to suck in their pride to take one form of government assistance or another just to feed their families in this declining economy. When the government starts throwing this money out there with the support of trusted agricultural organizations the temptation to apply will be huge. But if the "help" is accepted the risk of losing is even greater.
The federal government never wants to give you something for nothing and while they speak out one side of their mouth telling you that this is to 'boost the dying economy', to 'help the rural communities' and push forward on 'energy solutions'... there will remain the high risk of default on loans and loopholes that farmers or businesses will have to jump through to receive grants. The red tape has "control" written all over it; it may even dictate what can or must be grown on a property just in order to be eligible to apply, whether accepted or not. In the short term, it may sound great but in the long term it will bankrupt farms and businesses, discredit once-trusted organizations, remove the voice of the people town by town, limit Mayors, City Council & School Board Members who mean to do right by the people who elected them and break the hearts and pride of generations of Rural Americans while at the same time limiting Americans who depend on our rural breadbaskets for food and further destroy the American Dollar.
The freedoms that have been known by older generations will not be shared by the new. The destruction of the United States Constitution is all but complete. We no longer have a 2 party system... we have the party of "D&R", as one. We no longer have 3 branches of effective government... we have runaway presidents (plural), a legislative branch that either works against the people, puts on a show (generally right before an election cycle) or is bypassed altogether by executive order, presidential directorate or backdoor regulation (mainly through DHS agencies) AND lifetime justices who have done and will continue to do nothing about it. The Patriot ACT supersedes the Constitution and the majority of your rights and freedoms are mere illusions that the government GRANTS you in order to keep you passive while they keep chipping away at the last bits of our foundation of freedom. We are sitting on a time bomb.
What Can We Do?
What can you do?
1. You can spread the word. Action on this will require people knowing about it and understanding that it is of concern so they, too, will act.
2. You can contact the listed (above, left) people or groups and make sure they know what is happening so they can be aware and road blocks can be in place before the Rural Council can take action in your state, county or home community.
3. You can get in to your local school board, city council and commissioner meetings. As boring as they may seem, it is an opportunity for use your voice to make a difference - while you still have it. Once they know you are involved because you are taking the time to show up and sit through their mostly empty-seat meetings... they will listen to you. They are just people like you and me but you have to understand that like our State Representatives and higher... these people may be elected but they are not used to people standing up for themselves. They are used to making decisions on their own. That is a HUGE part of the overall problem. Road blocks could have gone up faster on so many things but people, in general, are so obsessed with their free TIME that they risk their own freedoms. Use it or lose it. Our electeds can not effectively represent you if they don't know what you want. You probably have more time to do research on this stuff than them. Feed it to them, educate them and keep the Rural Council, ICLEI, DHS and the U.N. OUT of your local communities.
4. At very least you should be getting out and meeting people in your local communities so you can find others who are concerned and preparing for the 'what if we fail' scenarios.
5. If you hold an elected position or chair a group that can network information out... help get others involved by sharing what you know. If people don't know - they can't act. That is how the govt has gotten away with so much.
6. Find your motivation... whether it be your kids, your grandkids, your right to hunt, your anger on spending, your fear of SWAT busting in to people's homes to collect late student loans... whatever will get you off your butt and doing.
8. Educate OTHERS
Concentrate on those who will listen.
9. Pay attention to what is happening on a local level. It is good to know what is going on everywhere but the local level is where you must ACT. Your Federal "Representatives" are far away in D.C. and will not listen. Before the 10th Amendment no longer exists, use it on your state and local levels. Keep the globalization giants out of your communities.
10. Do not take federal grant money. Do not let your community take federal grant money. Push your State Reps to steer clear of more grant money. IT IS OFFERED ONLY TO CONTROL.
Stop relying on the MSM for what is really happening.
Put down your remote control. If SHTF... knowing who won Dancing with the Stars will NOT save you!
No election or representative can or will save us from all that is happening right now. We are too late for that... too deep and that's not how our government was designed to work ANYWAY. If you have been banking on the 2012 elections, STOP. Re-focus your efforts where they will matter.
This is not a Republican or Democrat thing - accept that both parties have failed, both are corrupt, both pushed the system to failure.
It is up to YOU to make a difference.
Get out of your comfort zone... it isn't so bad once you're doing it.
Don't be afraid of what people think of you...
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